Norfolk Hunter Paces
2025 Hunter Pace Dates:
Sunday, June 8 from the Steeplechase Course in Medfield, MA (Rain date is Sunday, June 15)
August Medfield State Hospital in Medfield, MA (event Date and Rain date tbd)
Sunday, October 26 in Westport, MA (no rain date)
NEW! November Hunter Pace in Sutton, MA (date TBD)
Norfolk Hunt Club June Hunter Pace
Sunday, June 8, 2025
@ The Steeplechase Course
Medfield, MA
Enjoy a beautiful scenic ride. Then relax while eating your lunch in the Norfolk Hunt Club’s Steeplechase fields
Lunch is included! No refunds!
important documents
On Sunday, June 8th, 2025 our annual Norfolk Summer Hunter Pace starts at The Norfolk Hunt Club Steeplechase Course at 240 North Street in Medfield MA. The Pace will begin at 8:00 a.m. with the last rider out at noontime.
Come for a beautiful 7 mile + ride through Norfolk’s beautiful territory of open fields and wooded trails in Dover and Medfield, some of which are not usually available to the general riding community.
Teams of up to five rider/horse pairs compete in one of three divisions: first flight (jumping), second flight (flats) and hilltoppers (slower pace flats). All divisions encounter inviting fences and stone walls not to exceed 3' 6" in height. A way around all obstacles is available to all riders. Riders in all divisions could go around jumps at their own discretion. ** Please note that riders under the age of 16 years-old must have an adult rider on their team**
The teams finishing closest to the pre-determined optimum time are awarded blue ribbons. Ribbons for 1st - 6th place. Prize for best time in each division. Ribbons and prizes will be mailed to the address on the entry form.
Entry fee of $75 per adult rider and $65 for junior riders (17 years or younger). LUNCH IS INCLUDED with your entry fee payment. All riders must sign a Liability Waiver. All riders must wear certified helmets and hard-soled shoes with heels. Riders may ride in English or Western tack. Please bring your own water containers.
To Enter:
Please fill out one entry form per team (see button at the top of the page) and one 2025 liability waiver per rider. We need a current waiver, so even if you have filled one out in the past, we need each rider to complete a 2025 waiver.
Norfolk Hunt is ONLY accepting online registrations, online payments, and online release forms. Any problems or questions about submitting forms or payment, please contact Katie Estes at
There will be no entry refunds for this event.